Modus Operandi 2017 (MO.17), deals with emerging artists under the age of 35, and during their early professional stage. It aims to present a matrix of practices, as well as their connections to local culture and the world, as they currently stand.
The program aims to create the conditions for an animated and potentially, expanding archive that documents today, as well as in the long run, the artistic vigour of local artists. Taking the form of a publication, website and exhibitions, it allows anyone interested, on either a local or international level, to connect directly with artists whose work resonates with their interests. Consequently, the archive offers an overview of an emerging art scene in Cyprus, creating a place for meetings, discussion and exchange.
Modus Operandi is a project realised by The Visual Artists Αssociation (EI.KA), which was founded in 2006 in Nicosia by a small group of artists. Today, it represents a large number of professional artists and art theorists, who work for the promotion and progress of local art and culture. The aim of the association is to support the rights of artists and to create a legal framework for the status of the artist, including medical care, social security and pension allowance.